Cooking is something that is a forever learning process. Even if you think you are a pro, there will be specific techniques or things you are unaware of. From everyday hacks to learning how to keep the food fresh to even finding out tips to make particular foods-cooking certainly isn’t easy as some might think. So, if you are also someone who is still learning to cook, we have you covered. Recently, in a Reddit post, when someone asked people for their greatest cooking tips, many came forward and shared their advice. Check them out below.

Here are 9 Cooking Tips Shared On The Internet:
1. Searing of the meat
“Dry the surface of your food if you want it to sear well. Salt your meat (a lot) more than you think is necessary. If your food is at the right level of sear but undercooked, use the oven to finish it off (or just do the reverse sear method, to begin with). Get heavy baking sheets and preheat them in the oven when making roasted vegetables.”
2. Season the food in advance
“Season a day in advance on a wire rack in the fridge. The salt penetrates the food. The salt denatures the protein to hold water better, so it’s not dry. The salt also dries the surface. I can serve my wife a salt and pepper skin on the chicken thigh, and she’ll think it’s restaurant quality.”
(Also Read:Â Cooking Tips: 11 Tips And Tricks To Make Everyday Cooking Easy And Hassle-Free)
3. Get the best mushrooms
“If you want the best fried mushrooms, fry them without any butter or oil. There is so much liquid in mushrooms that they won’t burn for quite some time. Frying them like that makes them sort of hyper-concentrated. Once all the water has been cooked, add butter. They will suck up all that flavor.”
4. Buy quality utensils
“Buy quality pans and pots. I spent almost 400 on my steel pots. It makes a complete difference in cooking. I fried chicken today for the first time using my brand-new pot, and it cut cooking time in half. Usually, I fry chicken for an hour. It’s a lot of chicken, not just one piece.”
5. Cornstarch in eggs
“Put a little bit of cornstarch slurry (cornflour and water) in your scrambled eggs (or any dish where you mix up the eggs) to stop them from going dry and losing moisture. When you cook eggs at a high temperature, the protein forms bonds, expelling water from the eggs. The cornflour stops these bonds from forming as regularly, thus retaining more moisture!”
6. Good quality knife
“Having a good sharp kitchen knife makes cooking more fun, and even if you think your knife is sharp enough, it probably isn’t much, but it made all the difference for me.”
7. Try new recipes ahead of time
“Never cook something for the first time for an event. Try that new recipe out ahead of time.”
8. Undercooking the meat
“Learn to slightly undercook all your proteins since they’ll continue to cook from residual heat as they “cool.” Chicken breasts, for example, are perfectly safe and ten times more delicious when taken off the heat at 150 degree since over cooking will take it to 155.
9. Clean the mess
“Always place an empty plastic container on your counter to collect garbage, peels, and other scraps while you cook. Even though you are just eliminating a few steps to the trash can, I always feel like it simplifies the cooking process. It cuts down to so much mess!”
So, the next time you cook, keep these tips in mind and make your process more flavorful and enjoyable..
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