High Blood Pressure Can Change Your Personality Traits

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High blood pressure is a major risk for cardiovascular disease and is thought to be associated with psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression, and neuroticism a personality trait characterised by susceptibility to negative emotions, including anxiety and depression.

In a recent finding published in the journal ‘General Psychiatry’. Neurotic personality traits are most likely to be caused by dilated blood pressure, which is the lower of the two numbers in a blood pressure reading. And keeping it under control can help curb neurotic behaviors, anxiety, and heart and circulatory diseases.  High Blood Pressure

It is unclear which causes which and in a bid to find this out, the researchers used a technique called Mendelian randomisation. This technique uses genetic variants as proxies for a particular risk factor, in this case, blood pressure to obtain genetic evidence in support of a causal relationship, reducing the biases inherent in observational studies. 

Between 30% and 60% of blood pressure is down to genetic factors, and over 1000 genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs for short, are associated with it. SNPs help predict a person’s response to certain drugs, susceptibility to environmental factors, and risk of developing diseases. 

The researchers studied 8 large-scale study datasets containing whole genome DNA extracted from blood samples from people of predominantly European ancestry (genome-wide association studies). They applied Mendelian randomisation to the 4 traits of blood pressure, systolic blood pressure (736,650 samples), diastolic blood pressure (736,650), pulse pressure (systolic minus diastolic blood pressure; 736,650), and high blood pressure (above 140/90 mm Hg; 463,010) with 4 psychological states-anxiety (463,010 samples), depressive symptoms (180,866), neuroticism (170,911) and subjective wellbeing (298,420). 

High blood pressure can change your personality traits

The analysis revealed that high blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure had significant causal effects on neuroticism, but not on anxiety, depressive symptoms, or subjective well-being. But after adjusting for multiple tests, only diastolic blood pressure was significantly associated with neuroticism (over 90%), based on 1074 SNPs. 

The researchers acknowledge certain limitations to their findings. For example, it wasn’t possible to completely exclude pleiotropy, where one gene can affect several traits. And the findings may not be more widely applicable to people of European ancestry. But blood pressure links the brain and the heart, and so may promote the development of personality traits, they explain. 

“Individuals with neuroticism can be sensitive to the criticism of others, are often self-critical, and easily develop anxiety, anger, worry, hostility, self-consciousness, and depression. Neuroticism is viewed as a key causative factor for anxiety and mood disorders. Individuals with neuroticism more frequently experience high mental stress, which can lead to elevated [blood pressure] and cardiovascular diseases,” the first author was quoted saying this. 

Appropriate measures taken to control blood pressure can be beneficial for the reduction of neuroticism, neuroticism-inducing mood disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. High blood pressure can change your personality traits.

Also, Read : High Cholesterol? Then here is some easy way to reduce it

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