Green tea is not just for drinking but also for health & beauty

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Green tea is not just for drinking, Minutes are enough to brighten the skin;

Green tea is good not only for health but also for beauty. The antioxidants it contains not only protect your skin from sunlight but also remove sunburn and prevent skin cancer.

  • No need to throw away your tea bag after drinking green tea. Add a little honey to it and apply it on the face. Rinse off after 10 minutes and your face will look beautiful.
  • Heat a tea bag in hot water and gently scrub your face. This can be done until the heat in the tea bag changes.
  • Boil water well and pour the tea bag into it. Steaming for 5 minutes with this will help to fade the dark spots on the face.
  • Green tea contains vitamin E and vitamin C which help in hair regrowth. After using shampoo and conditioner, you can wash your hair with three or four teaspoons in half a liter of water.
  • Green tea is also good for removing dark spots on the face. Add a tablespoon of powdered green tea, one egg white and one teaspoon of honey and apply on face for 30 minutes to get rid of pimples and blemishes.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of green tea powder and apply on face for 20 minutes to protect the skin from aging.
  • To remove dark circles around the eyes, simply dip a cotton ball in refrigerated green tea and place it over the eyes.
  • Steaming with 5 tsp green tea and some neem leaf is also good for the skin.

Green tea is good not only for health but also for beauty. The antioxidants it contains not only protect your skin from sunlight but also remove sunburn and prevent skin cancer.

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