Covid-19, Things to look out for when is skeptical and positive

Covid-19, Things to look out for when is skeptical and positive

In the grip of the second wave of Covid-19, at a time when health workers are struggling to control the situation, those who suspect Covid-19 exist and are positive know some dos and don’ts.

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What a person suspected of having a Covid-19 should do?

1. Isolate yourself immediately in a room with bathroom comfort.
2. Perform RT-PCR test.
3. Stay at home. Covid-19 is not serious. The disease can be cured at home without being admitted to the hospital. Contact your doctor for information.
4. Pay attention to your symptoms. Call a doctor immediately and go to the hospital if you notice any immediate signs, including shortness of breath.
5. Wear a good quality mask. Surgical and cloth masks can be worn. The nose, mouth and chin should be covered. The N 95 masks is better than all other masks.

  • Top 5 Covid-19 Period Tools in India That May be Useful For You

6. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.
7. Hands should be washed or sanitized frequently with soap and water.
8. Drink plenty of water. Relax. And eat simple foods that are low in fat and easy to digest.
9. The spot’2 level can be checked with a pulse oximeter. Seek doctor’s advice on oxygen level.
10. Lie on your back. Breathing is easier when the abdomen is down. The lungs work better.

Suspect should do:

1. Isolate yourself immediately in a room with bathroom comfort.
2. Perform RT-PCR test.
3. Pay attention to the symptoms. Call a doctor if symptoms become severe.
4. Immediately notify everyone who has been in contact with you.
5. Isolate yourself separately to a room where the bathroom is attached.
6. Relax, eat nutritious food and drink plenty of water.
7. Comply with Covid-19 standards. Wear a mask. Sanitize. Wash your hands. Maintain social distance. Avoid crowded places.

8. Always clean all areas of contact. Phones, remote controls, table tops, counters, doors, bathroom items, toilets, computers and keyboards should all be sanitized and cleaned with cleaning liquid.
9. Check the spot’2 level with a pulse oximeter and seek medical advice on what to do if the oxygen level drops below 95%.
10. Lie on your back. Breathing is easier when lying down. Lungs performance will improve.
11. Cover mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing.
12. Dispose of used tissues in the waste bin.
13. Rinse immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
14. If soap and water are not available, clean your hands with a quality, alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Things not to do

1. Do not share utensils, towels, bedding, food, soap and combs with anyone else in the house.
2. Do not buy and take medicines on your own.
3. Do not go to public places like office, school, theater and restaurant.
4. Do not use public transportation. Do not use taxis or lift facilities on two-wheelers.
5. Do not leave the house unless you seek medical help.

If isolation is suspected, can isolation be avoided?

1. You suspect Covid-19 exists, but not confirmed.
2. Ten days from the first appearance of symptoms.
3. After 24 hours without fever without taking paracetamol.
4. If other symptoms of Covid-19 improve.
5. It can take weeks to regain lost odor and taste, but this is not an obstacle to ending the isolation.

If you are Covid-19 positive

1. Isolation should be continued for 10 days even if no symptoms are present. Isolation can be terminated after ten days after the Covid-19 is positive.
2. Do as your healthcare provider asks you to test. The test should be performed before the isolation is complete.

Thanks for reading.

Stay Home, Stay Safe & Save Lives.

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